On this page you will find in future a detailed list of the APPN community’s phenotyping expertise, present infrastructure and established methods.


The Austrian plant phenotyping landscape covers areas of fundamental and applied plant research. From Arabidopsis to trees – from subcellular phenotyping to shoots and roots. The high-throughput plant phenotyping platform at the VBCF PlantS facility is designed for RGB screening of Arabidopsis and is fully integrated in a state-of-the-art phytotron allowing complex environmental simulations. This system is complemented by deep expertise of GMI in phenotypic data analysis and genome-wide association studies (GWAS).

PHENOPlant RI is designed for non-invasive, morphometric and physiological hight-throughput plant phenotyping of mid-size crop plants as well as Arabidopsis and will be fully integrated into a state-of-the-art walk-in phytotron providing highly homogeneous plant growth conditions. Furthermore, the platform facilitates precise environmental (live) simulations across different climate zones as well as controlled plant stress experiments. Cutting-edge sensors include multi-excitation PAM kinetic chlorophyll fluorescence, RGB, VNIR/SWIR hyperspectral, thermal and 3D.

At the BOKU several platforms for manual destructive and non-destructive root phenotyping are established. One of those rhizobox type setups is located in a plant growth cabinet equipped with LED illumination and incorporates a hyperspectral camera.

The Core Facility Cell Imaging and -Ultrastructure Research and the Mass Spectrometry LAB of the Dept. of Ecogenomics and Systems Biology (University of Vienna) enable organelle stoichiometric analyses. The department also facilitates several modern plant physiology techniques for instance concerningthe measurement of so-called “SPAC” [Soil-Plant-Atmosphere-Continuum] including “SRI” [Soil Root Interface].

The University of Innsbruck has facilities for imaging chlorophyll fluorescence fromwhole plants to sub-cellular level, which is used in projects associated with mapping stresses in plants, lichens and alga.

If you want to report and publish your plant phenotyping expertise/infrastructure please get in touch with us.


In progress